Autism Treatment in Oceanside

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disorder that affects an estimated 1 in 10 children. A disorder that falls on the autism spectrum may be severe, such as developmental disability, or mild, such as Asperger’s Syndrome. An autism diagnosis can be tough on both the parents and the patient with the disorder. Children with autism can experience symptoms such as behavioral changes, lack of self-case, inability to perform daily tasks, problems with socialization, and problems with interpersonal communication. Here at Holistic Solutions, we provide autism treatment in Oceanside when conventional methods of medicine have failed. With holistic and naturopathic medicine, we provide safe, effective treatments so that our patients with autism can conduct normal, happy lives.

Autism Treatment in Oceanside

Some issues that affect autism include immune disorders as well as environmental toxicity. Conventional medicine often neglects to check for these factors, allowing symptoms to get worse over time. Autism treatment is not about curing symptoms entirely; it includes arresting the symptoms so that they are less severe.

Here at Holistic Solutions, Dr. Dubroff and his experienced staff over testing and treatment for immune disorders and environmental toxicity, as well as autism spectrum diagnostic evaluations, and ASD-directed nutritional intervention. After a consultation or appointment, the doctor and his staff can provide a more personal treatment plan tailored for each child, with specific goals in mind.

For more information about autism treatment in Oceanside, or to schedule an appointment or consultation, call Dr. Dubroff at Holistic Solutions at (866) 296-2305. An experienced and helpful staff member is ready to help any client with questions or concerns. We want our patients and their families to live high-functioning, happy, and fulfilling lives.