Prolotherapy For Headaches In Irvine

Prolotherapy For Headaches In IrvineWhen you find yourself suffering from recurring headaches, the chances are that you will start to think of just about any possible way that you can get some much needed relief. By working with Dr. Joseph Dubroff at Holistic Solutions, you will find that you have options for natural treatment in the form of prolotherapy for headaches in Irvine.

The great news is that prolotherapy is a form of treatment that can be helpful for people who may be dealing with a variety of headaches stemming from numerous causes. For a lot of patients, this means having the ability to wake up first thing in the morning and not have to deal with a migraine that is going to hinder regular daily activities.

When you have a customized treatment plan with Dr. Joseph Dubroff, you will not only be able to enjoy prolotherapy injections, but you can also come up with a course of action that may include changes to diet, stress control, various modifications to lifestyle and cutting back on foods that are known to be a trigger for headaches.

If you are looking for a plan that includes prolotherapy for headaches in Irvine, call Holistic Solutions today at (866) 296-2305 to set up your initial consultation. Along with your initial consultation, you will be able to go over a complete medical history, have an examination and discuss any of your questions and concerns. The main goal is always going to be making sure that you are able to get the treatment and relief that you are longing for without having to result to invasive procedures or the use of heavy medications and over the counter pain relievers.