PRP (platelet-rich plasma) Therapy In Carlsbad

If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to deal with pain or healing, it may be time to consider PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy in Carlsbad here at Holistic Solutions. Dr. Dubroff is here to help you with your repair and healing by using your own blood to help you heal. Many naturopathic and orthopedic doctors are helping their patients every day with PRP therapy. See below for how it works and why this may be an option for your healing:

What is PRP?

This therapy utilizes the plasma in your blood to create a therapy program that helps speed up healing and possibly deter surgery. Plasma is a fluid in your blood that carries the blood cells to the areas it needs to go. The process consists of the patient’s blood being drawn, used to make the platelet-rich plasma, and then injected into the areas where the disease or issues are occurring.

What Can This Therapy Assist With?

PRP therapy is recognized as a rapid healing therapy. Because of this healing rate, it is used in various disorders and disease issues. Some of those include:

  • Issues in the patella, such as inflammation or rupture
  • Hamstring or quad pain that you’re suffering from
  • Issues with Achilles tendon
  • Conditions in the elbow or if you have inflammation
  • De-generation or inflammation in the joints due to age
  • Tears or injuries in the rotator cuff

The benefits you can obtain from this type of therapy are vast. For example, you can help with wrinkles forming, deal with pain in a non-surgical way, reduce hair loss, and have many other benefits.

Discussing this PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy in Carlsbad with Dr. Dubroff here at Holistic Solutions can help you get on the way to your health and wellness. Call the office today at (866) 296-2305 to set up an appointment for your consultation.