Contrave Weight Loss In Irvine

Contrave Weight Loss In Irvine

How many diets and weight loss programs have you been through on your journey to try to get to your ideal weight? Holistic Solutions could hold the answers that you are looking for when you make an appointment to learn more about Contrave weight loss in Irvine.

Dr. Joseph Dubroff at Holistic Solutions has been working with patients just like you to help them be the best they can be. When you work on the problem areas on an internal level, you hold the keys to optimum wellness. While looking at your weight loss woes, you could have a whole lot of problems if you find yourself giving into the cravings for certain snack foods.

There are two points within the brain that could be working against you and holding you back from attaining your weight loss goals. Contrave is a daily prescription pill approved by the FDA for use in adults that have weight to lose even if they have underlying risk factors like diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. If you are concerned about your weight but you need to take these risk factors into consideration, working closely with a professional naturopath like Dr. Joseph Dubroff will give you the power and information you need for a successful weight loss path.

Naturopathic medicine is the ultimate way for you to bring together the best of both worlds for health and healing. When there is a good balance of conventional medicine and natural therapies, you have the ability to tackle health issues at the source instead of simply tossing medications and procedures at the symptoms. Contrave can help you to work on the triggers in your brain that keep you from thwarting off the cravings while you can work on other natural elements at the same time to bring you amazing and long-lasting results.

There are many other patients just like you who have been able to attain their ideal weight by using Contrave for weight loss. If you are tired of your cravings and snacking getting the best of you, this weight loss prescription could be just what you need. Make an appointment for an initial consultation today with Dr. Dubroff to learn more!

If you would like information on the benefits of Contrave weight loss in Irvine, call Dr. Joseph Dubroff today at Holistic Solutions at (866) 296-2305.