Food Allergy Testing In Escondido

Did you know that there are some symptoms of food sensitivities that are delayed to the point where you may not even notice them for hours? In some patients, the sensitivity may not present with symptoms until the day after the food was consumed. If you think that you are in need of food allergy testing in Escondido, it is going to be a good idea to set up an appointment with Holistic Solutions so that Dr. Joe Dubroff can help you out.

Food Allergy Testing In Escondido

Some of the foods that are known for causing reactions are some of the kinds that are consumed the most, including eggs, dairy and wheat products. This makes it a lot more difficult to connect the symptoms with one type of food. Because of this, you may be asked to put together a detailed food diary of the items that you are eating over a period of time and whether or not any symptoms developed.

There are a lot of different symptoms that can come about when you have a food allergy, some of which may be mild while others will be severe. A lot of the common symptoms of an allergy or intolerance can include hives, itching skin, watery eyes, swelling of the tongue or throat, diarrhea, headache, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of doom, irritability, weight loss, gas, wheezing and more.

If you are starting to notice some of these symptoms when you eat certain foods, you may want to see about having testing done to get to the root of the problem. Call Holistic Solutions today at (866) 296-2305 so that you can learn more about your options when it comes to homeopathic food allergy testing in Escondido.