La Jolla Patients – Get Notable Relief With Prolotherapy For Back Pain

La Jolla Patients - Get Notable Relief With Prolotherapy For Back Pain

Did you know that back pain remains to be one of the main causes of disability? Many people suffer from back issues for one reason or another, and most do not want to get into the habit of taking hefty prescription medications. If this hits close to home, you might want to talk with a professional naturopath about prolotherapy for back pain in La Jolla and what it would entail.

What Is Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy is a natural option for pain relief in the form of injection therapy. If you suffer from chronic lower back pain, you could get tremendous results while working on damaged or weakened ligaments. With repeat injections, prolotherapy helps strengthen the ligaments, thus reducing pain and missing out on work or things that you enjoy doing.

When seeking help with prolotherapy, a natural irritant solution gets injected into targeted areas. The solution helps to trigger connective tissue growth, which helps to lessen pain eventually. Studies have shown that people dealing with back pain can have a good result when using regular spinal manipulation mixed with prolotherapy injections.

Why Holistic Solutions?

Dr. Joseph Dubroff at Holistic Solutions has been a trusted name in the naturopathic industry for many years. When you want answers and natural options for treating chronic back pain, you have the power of choice. With prolotherapy and regular treatments, you can work on healing and regenerating crucial connective tissue. You can live a life free of the hold that prescription medications have with many patients following traditional medicine protocols. Get the answers and results that you deserve today!

Prolotherapy for back pain in La Jolla could be the answer to the discomfort that you have been searching for. Call Holistic Solutions at (866) 296-2305 for a consultation.