Prolotherapy Treatments In La Mesa

Prolotherapy Treatments In La Mesa

There is never any reason why you have to feel as though struggling through joint pain or back pain is necessary because you are not someone who likes to take prescription medications or over the counter pain relievers. You should know that there are a wide range of natural options available to you, including prolotherapy in La Mesa for pain relief.

All you have to do is take a look at the statistics and you will quickly see that there are millions of people just like you across the country who are dealing with back pain or some sort of arthritis. Some of the sufferers actually have pain and discomfort in more than one region on the body. If you want to have better, more natural options than surgery or drugs, you can take prolotherapy into consideration.

As a natural treatment that calls upon the body’s ability to help heal itself, prolotherapy is the answer that so many people today have been looking for.

What Is Prolotherapy?

When you have your appointment for prolotherapy, your naturopath will inject a natural solution into the body where the damaged tendons, ligaments and joints are located. Once this substance gets where it needs to be, it starts to trigger what is known as a localized inflammatory response, which will then kickstart the body so that it can start generating growth factors promoting the healing process.

The conditions that can be treated using prolotherapy in the La Mesa area include:

  • disc/lower back pain issues
  • osteoarthritis
  • tendonitis
  • tarsal and carpal tunnel syndrome
  • joint dislocation
  • temporal mandibular joint issues (TMJ)
  • frozen shoulder
  • tendon/muscle/joint pain
  • mouse shoulder and more

While prolotherapy is successful in most patients, there could be a need for repeat appointments with your naturopath to get you feeling your best. There are very little or no side effects and patients are also able to get back to their daily activities, as there is no down time at all.

What Can I Expect?

When you make an appointment for prolotherapy to help you with your pain and discomfort, you will begin your office visit going over the location of the pain and the severity. You will then be injected with a solution, such as dextrose, lidocaine, vitamin B12, glycerin and other natural substances that are known to produce results.

Many patients rave about the simple fact that they are in and out in a short period of time and the results are notable, with some patients feeling better after the very first appointment. After meeting with a naturopath, you will have the ability to set up times to come in for any follow up injections to make sure that you are able to get the most out of the therapy.

If you are in need of help with prolotherapy in La Mesa, you can always look to Holistic Solutions. Call (866) 296-2305 for more information.