PT141 vs Viagra Libido Enhancement In Mission Beach

PT141 vs Viagra Libido Enhancement In Mission Beach

Just because there are some people you know who are taking heavy prescription medications to help with sexual dysfunction, it does not mean that you should be as well. If you are someone who likes to try the more natural approach when it comes to what you put into your body, you should be working with a naturopath to help with libido issues. Dr. Dubroff at Holistic Solutions can give you the answers you have been looking for when it comes to PT141 vs Viagra libido enhancement in Mission Beach and the surrounding area.

When looking at drugs like Viagra, you can run into a wide variety of side effects and health concerns when taking it. Some of the drug interactions can include issues with your blood pressure, fainting or dizziness, upset stomach, headaches, and more. You really need to weigh all of the pros and cons of such a medication for sexual dysfunction and know that you do have options.

PT141, also known as Bremelanotide, is a natural peptide that can be used by both men and women who are having issues with sexual performance. It works by activating the limbic emotional structures within the body instead of the vascular system, which is what you have with Viagra. There are minimal side effects such as nausea or facial flushing, both of which can be remedied simply by carefully adjusting the dosage.

Taking PT141 under the guidance of a professional naturopath will help you to feel younger and have a great deal more energy. This is an effective treatment for both women and men going through issues with libido and achieving full sexual satisfaction.

Holistic Solutions can help you treat sexual dysfunction naturally. Call (866) 296-2305 to learn more about PT141 vs Viagra libido enhancement in Mission Beach.