PT141 vs Viagra Libido Enhancement In Oceanside

PT141 vs Viagra Libido Enhancement In Oceanside

Both men and women can be faced with lowered libido at one time or another. This is something that nobody wants to deal with but you should also know that it is treatable. Whether you are male or female, you will see that it will suit you best to learn all that you can about PT141 vs Viagra libido enhancement in Oceanside.

Dr. Joseph Dubroff at Holistic Solutions has been working with customers just like you who are going through sexual dysfunction on some level. Some women may find that something as simple as lower iron in the body can dim the libido. Males may also see that age and dropping testosterone levels can play a major role in not only arousal but also the ability to maintain an erection.

Viagra is something that many people are turning to simply because they are unaware of all of the natural options that are available. This is a heavy prescription drug that also comes with a lot of potentially harmful side effects. Some serious side effects could include rash, burning, irregular heartbeat, sudden vision changes, and shortness of breath.

When it comes to PT141, this is a natural peptide that works differently than medications like Viagra that enters into the vascular system. PT141 works to stimulate the arousal receptors in the brain and can help patients to enjoy natural enhancement and overall sexual desire. When you make an appointment to talk with Dr. Dubroff about your libido concerns and what you would like to see for results, you can get on a path to a more natural path to sexual wellness with PT141.

Holistic Solutions can help you treat sexual dysfunction naturally. Call (866) 296-2305 to learn more about PT141 vs Viagra libido enhancement in Oceanside.