When you suffer from back pain, it can take a lot out of you and make your daily activities difficult. If you do not like taking medications and are looking for options, you can check out prolotherapy for back pain in Carlsbad.
Prolotherapy is a procedure that includes injection therapy to treat injuries involving the connective tissue in your body. This is an excellent option for someone who has not healed well with resting or trying other non-surgical options to help relieve back pain. The injections are done to help promote the natural healing response of the body to help weakened tissues and small tears. The goal is to help alleviate your back pain while also improving function and daily activities.
There are several conditions that can be treated when using prolotherapy for back pain, including:
- Whiplash
- Sacroiliac issues
- Degenerative disc disease
- Sciatica and more
The prolotherapy procedure involves the injection of a natural solution into the soft tissue. This triggers an inflammatory response to the area and natural healing will begin. The goal is to help strengthen the injured or torn tissue while helping to alleviate back pain.
If you are interested in prolotherapy and what it can do for you, you must make an appointment to see Dr. Dubroff at Holistic Solutions. As a professional Naturopath, he has been working with countless patients just like you to help them get the relief they are longing for when it comes to back pain and injuries to other areas of the body, including the should, knees, and more.
You deserve to go through each day without pain. Visit Holistic Solutions or call (866) 296-2305 to learn more about prolotherapy for back pain in Carlsbad.
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