There is a lot of pain that can come from an injury to your knee, shoulder or another major joint on your body. If you have been dealing with a good amount of discomfort and you are not looking to have surgical intervention, you do have options at your local prolotherapy clinic in Orange County.
Prolotherapy is a practice that has been used for many years as a way to ease pain and spark the natural healing processes within the body. This is a non-surgical treatment that helps to strengthen the joints that have been damaged or weakened due to some sort of over-use injury or traumatic event. The joints can often become painful and degenerated once the tendons and ligaments are stretched and damaged. If you are not wanting to take medications or have surgery, prolotherapy makes for an excellent option that works to help the body to repair these injured areas of the body.
When you contact Dr. Joseph Dubroff at Holistic Solutions, you can set up a time to come in for an initial consultation. At this time, you can go over your medical history and discuss the area of your body that is giving you the pain and discomfort. From there, a plan of action will be put into place to get you started on prolotherapy injections.
For the most part, the procedure takes around 30 minutes from start to finish and can be done in the medical office without the need for general anesthesia or a long recovery period. Many patients are able to get right back to their regular activities shortly after the injection appointment. There will simply be some temporary stiffness or swelling that may take place and most patients will start to see an improvement after the very first session.
If you are looking for an effective way to battle discomfort, visit a prolotherapy clinic in Orange County. Call Holistic Solutions at (866) 296-2305.
Absolutely love Dr. Joe and his services he is very helpful professional, knowledgeable. I would definitely recommend him and this clinic to everyone