Plants and nutritional supplements tend to be safer, often just as effective and considerably cheaper to produce then their synthetic counterparts.Plants and their derivatives are currently the sources for thousands of drugs worldwide.
The following is a small list of some very important synthetic drugs from plants:
Taxus brevifolia gave us the cancer drug Paclitaxel (Taxol).
Cinchona pubescens gave us the anti-malarial drug quinine.
Ephedra species gave us Pseudoephedrine, commonly used for sinus congestion or congestion of the tubes of the inner ear eustachian (yoo-STAY-shun) tubes.
Mentha species and wintergreen (gaultheria procumbens) gave us Menthol and methylsalicylate, originally derived from
Papaver somniferum, commonly known as the opium poppy which the powerful pain killer morphine came from
Digitalis purpurea, or purple foxglove, is which was the source for digitoxin, a cardiac drug which increases the strength of the heart beat while decreasing its rate.
Rauwolfia serpentine contains the alkaloid reserpine used to treat hypertension.In 1934 Serpina, the world’s first-ever anti-hypertensive drug reserpine from rauwolfia was launched.
Curare a plant members of Columbus’ second trip to the Americas in 1493 were to first experience, a poison on the tips of arrows which killed them promptly. This led to the development of a valuable drug that was one of modern medicine’s first introductions to Anesthesia used in medicine and surgery to relax skeletal muscle.
Papaver somniferum (Opium_poppy), provided the powerful pain killer morphine.
Willow Bark is the original acetylsalicylic acid used to synthesize aspirin .
To read more about synthetic drugs and their plant sources visit the following website: View Website Here
A Little Medical Botanical History
On September 19, 1991, one of the most extraordinary discoveries of our Century took place in Austria’s Otzal Alps, when two hikers discovered an ice mummy preserved by freezing. The analysis of samples of organic tissues has determined that the Iceman lived between 3350 and 3100 B.C.
The Ice Man died approximately 5200 years ago. At death he was between 40 and 50 years old and suffered from a number of medical conditions. He turned into a mummy accidentally almost immediately by the freezing weather conditions that turned him into the Ice Man.The Ice Man’s possessions have given scientists a better look at what life was during the Neolithic Age in Europe.
Perhaps the most valuable possession, according to many scientists, was his “medicine kit,” two walnut-sized lumps of a birch fungus used as a laxative and as a natural antibiotic.
For more information regarding plants and medicine natural treatment in Orange County and San Diego contact Holistic Solutions today.
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