Monthly Archives: August 2018

Natural Relief With Prolotherapy For Neck Pain In Orange County

Natural Relief With Prolotherapy For Neck Pain In Orange County

While there are always medications and other interventions that could help you treat the neck pain you have been suffering from, you may want something that is more natural. The good news is that you could be an excellent candidate for prolotherapy for neck pain in Orange County.

What Is Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy is a type of treatment that can be used for chronic pain of the joints and muscles that is performed using dextrose injections. This non-active substance is introduced into the tissue that has been injured as a way to trigger the natural inflammation response for healing. This proliferation of new cells is crucial for the healing process to begin and many patients are able to get notable relief from the targeted treatment of the injured area. The practitioner works by injecting the region several times during a session where the ligaments and tendons attach to the bone, as these are areas known for having a relatively poor blood supply.

While inflammation used to be looked at as a cause of pain or the problem, it is now understood that this natural response is necessary for healing. There is a great deal of evidence pointing to prolotherapy being an excellent choice for patients who are going through neck pain due to any number of illnesses or injuries.

What About Risks?

This is a process that is very low-risk but you need to be sure that you work with a trained professional for your injection therapy. You could have some bruising or soreness of the area that has been injected but this is something that usually resolves after 24 to 48 hours. Prolotherapy is a reasonable and safe option for someone who is in chronic pain or wishing to avoid surgical intervention at all costs.

When you make an appointment to see Dr. Joseph Dubroff at Holistic Solutions, you will have a chance to go through an examination to determine whether or not prolotherapy is right for you.

If you are interested in natural relief with prolotherapy for neck pain in Orange County, you can trust Holistic Solutions. Call Dr. Dubroff at (866) 296-2305 for info.

What You Need To Know About Prolotherapy For Knee Pain In San Diego

What You Need To Know About Prolotherapy For Knee Pain In San Diego

Nobody wants to deal with knee pain but there can be times when treatment is necessary for an injury or irritation that you have encountered. The knee is a major joint in the human body so it can be wide open for traumatic injuries as well as inflammatory and mechanical disorders. The good news is that you do have options for treatment, including prolotherapy for knee pain in San Diego.

For both children and adults, injuries to the knee that often result in chronic pain and discomfort will be strains and tears to the ligaments. Whether you have been involved in an accident or you have suffered trauma from an athletic injury, you want to be able to get the relief that you need to go about your regular daily activities. Some patients may hear a diagnosis that involves surgical intervention and you may be prescribed medications. If you are trying to get away from that route of action, you do have options in the form of prolotherapy injections.

Prolotherapy, sometimes referred to as regenerative injection therapy or proliferation, is a form of treatment what works by decreasing inflammation in the troubled knee. The course of treatment involves the injection of an irritant into the damaged joint that triggers a natural inflammatory response. This response then boosts blood flow and stimulates brand-new growth and the healing process necessary to nurture the damaged tissue. The most common irritant that is used for prolotherapy is dextrose but there are some practitioners that will use substances like lidocaine, glycerine or phenol.

One of the main reasons why patients are turning to prolotherapy is to get the relief and healing they need without having to go through surgery. The prolotherapy protocol involves very low risk and the patients are less likely to suffer from adverse effects. While pain and irritation is natural right after the injections, this will start to go away as the healing progresses.

When you want to take the natural approach to achieve the relief you deserve, you can look to Dr. Dubroff at Holistic Solutions. By setting up a consultation, you will have an examination followed by a plan for treatment using prolotherapy to quell your knee pain.

If you are interested in learning more about prolotherapy for knee pain in San Diego, Holistic Solutions can help. Call Dr. Dubroff today at (866) 296-2305.

Enjoy Natural Pain Treatment With Prolotherapy For Neck Pain In San Diego

Enjoy Natural Pain Treatment With Prolotherapy For Neck Pain In San Diego

Coming in a close second to pain in the lower back, neck pain is a very common issue that patients seek help for. When it comes to a more natural way of healing and strengthening the neck muscles, prolotherapy is an excellent option. If you would like to heal and cut back on the pain and discomfort that you are experiencing in your neck, you can look into your options for prolotherapy for neck pain in San Diego.

There can be a number of ailments that are associated with damage or injury to the neck muscles. Most patients will also complain about jaw pain, headaches, and even facial pain when they have problems with their neck. Issues with the neck can be so devastating and difficult to deal with simply because of the weight of the head and the structure of the neck trying to hold it up.

If you have been going through neck pain due to an injury, it can be very difficult to get the relief that you are looking for. When you know that you want to try to avoid surgery and you are not a fan of pain medications or muscle relaxers, you should know that prolotherapy is a natural option that not only helps with pain relief but also strengthening these important neck muscles.

Prolotherapy involves the injection of a natural solution into targeted areas around the neck to foster a healing response. The injection causes an irritation that the body responds to, which makes this a great option for jumpstarting the natural healing process in the body. This is an all-natural way to start to build stronger tissue and fighting the chronic pain that you may be feeling. If you have questions on prolotherapy for your neck pain issues in the San Diego area, you can get the help you need by working with Dr. Joseph Dubroff at Holistic Solutions.

Enjoy the natural pain treatment you need with prolotherapy for neck pain in San Diego. Call Holistic Solutions today at (866) 296-2305 for an appointment.